Hearthstone Battlegrounds is getting 32 new minions next week, many of whom stink

Hearthstone Battlegrounds is getting 32 new minions next week, many of whom stink


Hearthstone’s Battlegrounds on my phone is my go-to game when watching anything on TV that my ADHD brain refuses to engage with. I love the mode so much that I consider myself a Battlegrounds rather than Standard main these days, and look forward to new content drops almost as much as full card expansions. Today Blizzard began detailing what to expect from Season 3 of Battlegrounds, and I’m glad to say we’re getting a bunch of new minions—32 in total—as that always seems to shake the meta up the most.

Of those new minions, 16 will have the new Undead tribal tag which launched as part of the March of the Lich King expansion. A further 11 of the new minions will have dual tribal tags, meaning they can leverage the synergies and buffs of minions from two tribes. That should be a boost to menagerie-style warband compositions, which generate their power from running as many different tribes as possible. As we’ve seen with Amalgams, running minions with multiple tribal tags will make it easier to harvest buffs from cards like Lightfang Enforcer and Menagerie Jug. Check out the first four minions revealed in the gallery blow.

