Hear AI Todd Howard declare The Elder Scrolls 6 will let players have sex with NPCs

Hear AI Todd Howard declare The Elder Scrolls 6 will let players have sex with NPCs


Todd Howard did once say he wants more depth and better AI in future Bethesda games, but I’m not sure this is what he meant. Thanks to AI vocal synthesis software trained on Todd Howard’s voice, a YouTuber has made it sound like Skyrim’s game director gave a rousing presentation in which he explained The Elder Scrolls 6 will finally give players what they want: the opportunity to shag NPCs.

“Throughout the years our modding community has always been a big source of inspiration for us over at Bethesda,” Todd Howard definitely did not say while standing behind a podium declaring him President of the United States. “Looking at some of the most popular mods and requests, a pattern kept emerging. Things like SexLab Framework (opens in new tab) and OStim Framework (opens in new tab), among other projects focusing on the more carnal aspects that we never thoroughly explored before in The Elder Scrolls series.”

