Halo Infinite Yoroi armour set: What we know

Halo Infinite Yoroi armour set: What we know


Wondering how to get the Yoroi armor in Halo Infinite? Season 1 of Halo Infinite’s multiplayer has just begun and the Fracture: Tenrai limited-time event is coming next week. In addition to regular playlists, this event will feature at different points during Season 1 which runs until May 2022. Fracture: Tenrai will be free for all players and will feature a special playlist and an event-specific challenge list and battle pass, as well as samurai-themed rewards.

Halo Infinite Fracture: Tenrai start date 

The Fracture: Tenrai event begins on November 23 and will run for one week until November 30. During that time, you’ll be able to claim a whole bunch of Samurai-themed cosmetics by taking part in its event playlist and completing challenges.

Halo Infinite’s weekly reset will be each Tuesday. Expect the event to return in the not too distant future.

(Image credit: 343 Industries)

Halo Infinite Fracture: Tenrai rewards 

