Half-Life 2's face models include a legendary DJ and an actual dead body

Half-Life 2’s face models include a legendary DJ and an actual dead body


It’s no secret that Valve scanned the faces of real people to use as 3D meshes for characters in Half-Life 2. Most of them are credited in the “Thanks to the following for the use of their faces” section of the credits in Half-Life 2 and its follow-up episodes. Thanks to Source Filmmaker and Garry’s Mod, many of them have enjoyed a memetic life beyond the Half-Life series too, with even the background citizens of City 17 developing followings in the SFM community.

YouTuber Richter Overtime did some digging to find out where the people behind those faces are now. Some are already well-known to Half-Life fans, like Jamil Higley, the actor and model who was scanned to create Alyx and also performed her motion capture (according to IMDb (opens in new tab), she also did mocap on No One Lives Forever). But there are plenty more you might not know.

