Guide a doggo astronaut home in this upcoming indie puzzle-platformer

Guide a doggo astronaut home in this upcoming indie puzzle-platformer


Laika is one of the world’s most famous dogs: On November 3, 1957, during the early days of the Soviet Union’s space program, she became the first animal to be launched into space. She died not long after launch, but exactly 65 years later, the puzzle platformer Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home (opens in new tab) will, with some effort, deliver a happier ending.

Space Tail tells the tale (it’s a pun, see) of Bea, a dog astronaut (dogstronaut?) who makes it much deeper into space than any previous terrestrial explorer—to an entirely new alien world, in fact. Now it’s time to get home, but just like in real life, her human masters have apparently dropped the ball on that part of the operation, so Bea is on her own. Fortunately, she’s a pretty resourceful dog.
