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Grand Theft Auto VI is probably the most anticipated game of this decade and surprisingly we have no information about anything surrounding it. Over the years we have come across leaks that suggested a variety of things about the game but we still find ourselves with little to no knowledge about it.
A few months ago we had Rockstar desperately trying to pay off a hacker who leaked several pieces of information but most importantly clips showing how the game looks, which restored everyone’s belief that good news isn’t too far away. While many disregarded the hacker to be a fraudster, Rockstar went out of its way to say it wanted the fans to meet the game under better circumstances proving that a new GTA game is well underway.
It’s been 25 years since the first GTA game launched and many anticipated that the anniversary date would coincide with the release date but that did not happen, neither did Rockstar provide any update on the game and it would be too far-fetched to assume that nothing will be announced by 2022 at least.
When can we expect a trailer?
The footage that leaked earlier this year was hailed for a very early beta and suffice it to say that it did not accurately represent how the finished product would look like. In the video, we can clearly tell that several areas were missing details in the textures and the motion of vehicles and characters looked off which can be fine-tuned by the time the game is released.
Since the leak, Rockstar has avoided any enquiries from the outside about the next GTA title which clearly suggests that there is a lot of work that is left to be done on the game so a trailer won’t drop anytime soon. However, looking at the timeline, we might get a trailer in our hands by the end of next year.
It is unfortunate that we have to see it through another year without Grand Theft Auto dropping but all good things take time to build. Fans must hold their horses or might have to face another Cyberpunk situation with the upcoming GTA title.
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