Granblue Fantasy: Relink doesn't really start until it's finished, and its incredibly generous endgame puts other RPGs to shame

Granblue Fantasy: Relink doesn’t really start until it’s finished, and its incredibly generous endgame puts other RPGs to shame

The last boss fell with all the drama I could’ve hoped for. My party happily chatted about their adventure. The credits rolled. That was it: I’d cleared Granblue Fantasy: Relink. As with most Japanese RPGs, maybe there was some optional superboss I could go throw myself at for an hour or two if I wanted to spend a little more time with the game, or some minor bits and pieces I could tidy up if the mood caught me to hit max level. You know, all the usual endgame RPG busywork.

Or maybe Relink was just getting started. It turns out there’s so much more to Granblue Fantasy: Relink past the credits, its great campaign was really just an appetiser for the real meat of this fantastic action RPG.