A charging cable plugged into an Asus Zephyrus G16 gaming laptop

Got a laptop plugged in 24/7? You could be ruining your battery life, so prepare to do the charger dance

There are few things more nerve-wracking than a dying battery. Ok, there are quite a few things more nerve-wracking than a dying battery, like getting chased by a bear or receiving a missed phone call from your bank. Still, those of you who like to keep your laptops plugged in all the time to avert such anxiety—and I count myself among you—are in for a nasty shock, as it might be the worst thing you could do for your battery life.

That’s according to Kent Griffith, an assistant professor at the University of California, whose research on battery degradation has led him to the conclusion that leaving your laptop sitting at 100% charge for weeks or months at a time can leave you with potentially half of your initial capacity (via Gizmodo). As someone who’s been in the habit for years myself, I have to say that tracks rather perfectly with my own battery life experiences. Gulp.
