God of War's Kratos has some epic and slightly muddled origins

God of War’s Kratos has some epic and slightly muddled origins


From ancient Greek mythology, to Viking legend, the God of War series has it all. Somehow the devs at Sony managed to use the games’ main character, Kratos, to weave two disparate pantheons into something that’s not only mostly coherent, but immensely gripping. Of course, much of it needed to be pulled apart and stitched back together in order to achieve something unique and intriguing—but who needed another carbon-copy of the Greek myths? Not us.

What we wanted was a jumble of epic tales, loosely tied around everyone’s favourite dad of war, and that’s what we got. But the real interest for me—aside from how brutally he plans to embed his weapon into the skull of his next enemy—is where this guy really came from.

