Ghost of Tsushima horse choice - a samurai is riding a horse towards a ravine with purple blossoms on trees nearby

Ghost of Tsushima horse choice: Which should you pick?

Once you make your way through the Ghost of Tsushima tutorial, you’ll be given a choice: pick a horse and give it a name. It seems simple enough, but it’s always hard to tell if an early game choice will have lasting complications later in the game—that’s likely why you’re here, after all. 

If you haven’t started the game yet, but you’re currently on the fence about whether to dive into the 2020, samurai-based adventure from Sucker Punch, these system requirements should help you work out if your rig can handle it. Maybe you’ve already decided and just want some juicy horse info instead. Either way, here’s what you need to know about that early-game decision. 

Ghost of Tsushima horse choice