Games industry should be 'less cautious,' says maker of experimental game about exploring a swimming pool dimension

Games industry should be ‘less cautious,’ says maker of experimental game about exploring a swimming pool dimension

Upcoming game Pools looks similar to other games based on “The Backrooms,” the creepypasta notion that you can noclip out of normal reality and into mazes of “liminal spaces” that resemble ’90s office buildings or unused meeting rooms at a Marriott. In this case, though, we’re trapped in a pocket dimension of pools: all square tiles, plastic chairs, and chlorinated water.

“Poolrooms” aren’t an original addition to internet paranormal lore, although Pools perhaps sets itself apart from other creepypasta games by leaving out hostile entities in favor of an experience that’s solely about feeling a bit weird and isolated. Pools, which started as a “hobby/free time project,” will feature six 10-30 minute long chapters, and Finnish developer Tensori describes it as an “experimental” game that’s “like an art gallery where you walk around and feel the atmosphere.”