Game of the Week: Finally, a game with the guts to ask, "What if middle child syndrome was a Volvo?"

Game of the Week: Finally, a game with the guts to ask, “What if middle child syndrome was a Volvo?”

In the Zone, causality goes into the blender. The past and the present and the future do not always follow in polite order. No wonder, then, that I knew Pacific Drive would one day be our Game of the Week when I played a demo build and almost died because I grabbed my car’s windscreen wipers instead of the steering wheel. Sometimes you can stir things apart.

We’ll get back to that. This week, I was very moved to read Carlo Rovelli’s beautiful, sonorous book, White Holes. Rovelli is a wizard, not just because he managed to make the science of the event horizon palatable to me, an idiot, but because at the end he performed a lovely handbrake turn to land on this thought:

“I happen to think that we should always address the universe as ‘you’, to understand it and to understand ourselves, a ‘you’ that recognises our shared identity with things, that says: we are of the same blood, you and I. Whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in our soul…”