Friday the 13th art

Friday the 13: The Game has been killed one more time: Fan-made ‘Resurrection’ project derailed by lawyers over ‘cavalier disregard of copyright law’

A plan to bring the not-quite-dead asymmetrical survival joint Friday the 13th: The Game back to life has been abandoned just days after it was announced thanks to a cease-and-desist letter accusing the project of “cavalier disregard of copyright law.”

The axe first fell on Friday the 13th: The Game way back in 2018 thanks to a legal dispute over ownership of the property that halted development of the game. It was a slow crawl into a dark hiding place from there, with the metaphorical monster close behind: The project was permanently halted shortly after the legal problems began, dedicated servers were killed in 2020, and it was removed from sale at the end of 2023 when the license to the property expired, although the game itself was set to continue to run until “at least” December 31, 2024.