Sebastian looking understandably worried.

For the first time ever, The Evil Within games are going free on The Epic Games Store

The Epic Games Store is bleeding money, but it’s also still bleeding free games, and a couple of good ones are on the line right now. This week you can pick up The Evil Within, the hit survival horror game headed up by original Resident Evil director Shinji Mikami, and next week it’ll be the sequel, The Evil Within 2. This is the first time that either of The Evil Within games have gone free on Epic, so you’ll probably want to grab them while you can.

The Evil Within “[goes] all-in with the awful quite early,” PC Gamer brand director Tim Clark said during a “first impressions” gameplay video that’s now nearly a decade old. (Man, time flies.) Former associate editor Tom Marks, who joined him on the journey, concurred: “Tyler and I played Alien: Isolation before, and it was an hour long of not much happening and really slow, subtle build-up,” he said. “This is three minutes and we’re already in a slaughterhouse.”