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Finnish study claims our brains sync-up while gaming together


Researchers at the University of Helsinki have published a study that examines the brainwave synchronisation of people playing a simple driving game in pairs. The headline claim, of course, is that the results suggest peoples’ brainwaves synchronise while playing a co-operative racing game. The participants’ brains were activating in a similar way to how they would during face-to-face interaction, and “inter-brain neural synchronization has been linked with empathy and cooperation” in such situations.

There are necessary caveats to this: the study is relatively small-scale (it examined 42 pairs of players), and, while it does show activity that suggests a particular conclusion, it wouldn’t be reasonable to extrapolate this as definitive proof. With that said, it was also published in Neuropsychologia, which is a peer-reviewed and respected journal in the brain field. 
