The promotional art for Final Fantasy XIV's Newfound Adventure 6.1 patch shows our iconic Hyur adventure setting off into new horizons.

Final Fantasy XIV Letter from the Producer 69: Newfound Adventure


What we can expect from Final Fantasy XIV’s 6.1 patch.

After Endwalker’s 6.0 release wrapped up Final Fantasy XIV’s first big arc, we’re now looking towards the future.

Newfound Adventure

Yes, this is the title for the 6.1 patch, set to release in mid April.

Now that the Warriors of Light have dealt with the ancient threat, we can look towards a bright tomorrow. While director and producer Naoki Yoshida was careful not to give away how this next adventure is going to start off. He did tease that the new dungeon will certainly spoil the surprise, that’s why… He didn’t tell us a damn thing.

So, we only know this is gonna be the start new adventure. But don’t worry, no one will suddenly forget who the Warriors of Light are, or what they’ve done for the star. Maybe we’ll get to see the places mentioned at the end of Endwalker. The world of Etheris is a big place after all, and we’ve been tasked to go out and seek discovery.

Inspector Hildibrand, last seen headfirst in a hole near Fort Jobb on the First, makes his return in the 6.0 patch cycle

Somehow, Further Hildibrand Adventures

Being suspiciously absent during Shadowbringers outside of a dungeon, and not mentioned at all during Endwalker. Player’s are still waiting to be reunited with their favourite inspector Hildibrand Manderville. Who’s quests are staples of Final Fantasy XIV ever since the 1.0 days.

While being very popular with players, Yoshida is still in awe over Hildi’s superstar status. Since his quests are rarely worth doing for the rewards. But they are a great dose of slapstick comedy within the context of Final Fantasy XIV. So far we only know that Hildibrand somehow ended up in the first, after being swallowed by some black hole during his Stormblood outing. If that sounds weird to you, don’t worry the rest of theses quests are about as insane as that last sentence. (If you haven’t picked it up yet, the Questline starts in Ul’dah as The Rise and Fall of Gentleman.)

Scion of the Coin, Tataru, will have a new questline expanding the already formidable fortune she's amassed us

Tataru’s Grand Endeavor

It is somewhat of running gag at this point that one day Tataru, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn’s coinkeeper, will  end up as the Final Boss of Final Fantasy XIV.

So far we’ve somehow helped her amass wealth that could rival an empire. Set free a Carbuncle that is still terrorizing the realm. And now she’s set up shop at our former headquarters. While we don’t know yet what exactly this content will turn out to be; we do know that it’s going to last us throughout at least the 6.X cycle of patches.

It will see us help Tataru expand her trading empire. Which makes us wonder if we’ll see her go up against fellow demoness of coin, Rowena. (Or if the two will form an uneasy alliance to further the suffering of smith Gerolt?) Yoshida only told us that Tataru’s Grand Endeavour will have us engage with NPC’s from previous questlines and will attempt to tie up any lose ends.

The Arkasodara. Thavnair's Elephant people, make up the new tribal quests coming in the 6.0 patch cycle

The Arkasodara Tribal Quests

First of all, come 6.2 Final Fantasy XIV’s Beast Tribe quests will be renamed into Tribal quests. The reason behind this is the way our relationship to them as player’s has changed drastically since their initial outing in during the 2.X patch cycle. The Arkasodara Tribal quest, to be implemented with the 6.15 patch, will have us deal with Thavnair’s loveable Elephant people. Who, compared to other tribes on Hydaelyn, are fully integrated within Thavnair’s society. This content will be for battle classes, so they’ll be a great way to earn extra Materia or level up classes from 80 to 90. While we don’t know what their story will be about, Yoshida said that it will be a follow up to the optional Steppe Child questline; which had us help a Xaela girl overcome her fear or the Elephants.

Get ready to face Eorzea's Twelve in Final Fantasy XIV's new raid. Myths of the Realm appears to be a giant marble castle with a glowing, central purple spire.

Myth’s of the Realm

Endwalkers first Alliance Raid will also release with the 6.1 patch. Dubbed as Myth’s of the Ream, this 24-man raid will have us handle the Twelve. Final Fantasy XIV’s deities who are responsible for the creation of the world, at least according to myth. Now that many secrets have been lifted, we don’t quite understand how they fit into the entire thing. We do know however that their shades are all over the world of Etheris, from Eorzea all the way to the Far East. They are one of the last big secrets Final Fantasy XIV has yet to reveal from the 1.0 days and many veterans and lore heads are surely excited for that one. They’ll also offer an alternative way to gear up with new sets and upgrade materials.

Omega, Beyond the Rift

This questline is aimed for inclusion with the 6.15 or 6.18 Patch. It’s planned to continue, and maybe even wrap up Stormblood’s Omega raid quests. Which had us encounter (a Final Fantasy franchise staple,) Omega, a machine from a far off star. While many secrets about its origin have already been revealed, the story around Alpha and Omega is still missing a conclusion. Maybe we’ll even see a happy ending.

The 6.0 patch cycle also aims to wrap up Endwalker's rolequests. Which have had us reunite with old friends like Aymeric and Merlwyb along the ways so far.

And even more!

Adding to that, we’ll also get a quest to wrap up Endwalker’s rolequests. Those had us reunite and fight alongside the leaders of various states and meditate on their respective journey’s. Some of their stories had their roots in the now deleted 1.0 story.

We’ll also get a little Costume Delivery questline with the mother of the twins, Ameliance Leveilleur. While we don’t know what her little tale will be about, you can at least expect an easy way to get scrips for your crafters and gatherers. And an easy way to level those once a week.

For more on Final Fantasy XIV, stay tuned here on ESTNN.
