Final Fantasy pixel remasters out on Switch and PlayStation this April with new font

Final Fantasy pixel remasters out on Switch and PlayStation this April with new font


The Final Fantasy pixel remasters series finally has a release date on Switch and PlayStation: 19th April.

The games were previously released individually on Steam and mobile (followed by a series collection), with Final Fantasy 6 arriving last February. The series was then announced for Switch and PlayStation in December, but without a firm release date.

This new release will bring more new features, most notably an additional font.

Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster | PS4 & Nintendo Switch Launch Date Trailer

Some players criticised the pixel remasters for the unreadable font, but now Square Enix will allow players to switch to a pixel-based font that’s closer to the original.

Final Fantasy 6 pixel remaster with new font

The new font replicates that of the original games

Further boost features include the ability to switch off random encounters and adjust experience gained multipliers between 0 and 4.

The games are available digitally both individually or as a complete series on each console. Players who purchase before 25th May will receive themed wallpapers.

In addition, the series was available physically from the Square Enix store, but cost £244.99 for its anniversary edition and £64.99 for standard. Both are no longer available.
