Final Fantasy 7 Remake modders put clown makeup on Sephiroth, let Cloud wear a dress for the whole game

Final Fantasy 7 Remake modders put clown makeup on Sephiroth, let Cloud wear a dress for the whole game


Final Fantasy 7 Remake is on PC and modders have found a way to hit the upgrade button on some of gaming’s most iconic characters. Instead of spending 35 hours with Cloud trudging around in his baggy pants and one shoulderpad, you can wrap him up in a dress and a tiara from later in the game. And if you’re feeling funny, you can put clown makeup on Sephiroth like he’s Ronald McDonald with a katana.

Nexus Mods, the home for the most useful and disturbing additions to games, has a bevy of entries that swap out character models and colors. You can put a variety of dresses that were already found in the game on Tifa and Aerith earlier in the story and use them in combat too. 
