Final Fantasy 7 Remake files and folders reference a Steam release

Final Fantasy 7 Remake files and folders reference a Steam release


One year and eight months after its PlayStation 4 release, Final Fantasy 7 Remake finally made it to PC, available on the Epic Games Store and only the Epic Games Store from December 16. Have a look in the game files, however, and you’ll find a Steamworks subdirectory under Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty. Hop a couple of folders further down and there’s also a steam_api64.dll file. It seems likely, as with so many games before it, that Final Fantasy 7 Remake will remain exclusive to the Epic Games Store for the usual 6-12 months before being available elsewhere.

Backing this up further, a look inside the WindowsEngine.ini file shows a reference to a SeamDevAppID. Here that ID is in the unofficial SteamDB, where the staff have already labeled it Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
