Buff Ross reclines on a picnic blanket in Elpis.

Final Fantasy 14’s newest class has inspired this buff Bob Ross to spread good vibes and turn the party into happy little clouds

Running the Crystal Tower alliance raids in duty roulette is normally a mundane affair. Most players are mindlessly powering through this major inconvenience to their daily schedule, hitting Peloton as if their very lives depend on it. That all changed when he came. Glancing at the chat after things got a little hairy, I couldn’t believe my eyes as a hench Roegadyn called Buff Ross asserted that, “we don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” 

The party was entranced, hanging on to his every word. “Bob Rossing in MY alliance raid,” a player exclaimed, as all tension seemed to dissipate. God forbid, but I think I was actually enjoying the Crystal Tower for once.  This is the Buff Ross effect. Everyone loves him, everyone wants to be him, and he’s just happy to be here. 
