The Hero of Light slashes with paired daggers.

Final Fantasy 14 won’t let you blast past its story for free anytime soon because Yoshi-P worried ‘the value of the game itself will be diminished’

Final Fantasy 14 is getting to be a mighty long game. With one base game, four expansions and a fifth one on the way, I don’t think it’s too out there to reckon that you’d be spending a good 300 – 400 hours ploughing through the story alone. 

That can be a big roadblock for would-be Warriors of Light and honestly, if I hadn’t been playing for almost a decade I don’t necessarily know if I’d have the willpower to get through it all. Of course, there is the option to cough up a few bucks for a story skip, but with Dawntrail marking the beginning of a new narrative arc, I was hoping that there’d be an option in-game for an alternative jumping in point.