FFXIV Endwalker Reaper: What you need to know

FFXIV Endwalker Reaper: What you need to know


The FFXIV Reaper is one of the new jobs that’s just arrived with the MMO’s new expansion. It joins the Sage as one of the new kids around Eorzea now that the Endwalker expansion has started its Early Access phase. Though, unlike the healing Sage, the Reaper is primarily focused on dealing damage.

Along with the new FFXIV jobs, Endwalker introduces new zones, dungeons, and raids, and the male Viera join the cast of races to choose from. So if you’re keen to learn more about the new class, here’s what you need to know about the FFXIV Reaper and how to unlock it. 

How to unlock

FFXIV Reaper: How to unlock

