Fallout 4

Fallout 4’s ‘next gen’ update is nearly 16 gigs, breaks modded saves, and doesn’t seem to change much at all

Fallout 4’s long promised next gen (really current gen) update is finally here after a two-year wait since its initial announcement, but it’s not a winner on PC. We anticipated there would be the usual issues with mod compatibility (see the Fallout London devs delaying their highly anticipated project), but PC players aren’t getting much benefit from the nearly 16 gig patch.

Here’s a breakdown of the problems I’ve had myself or noticed others complaining about:

  • Issues loading modded saves and using non-Creation Club mods at all, including the essential Fallout 4 Script Extender.
  • The “next gen” patch does not introduce any graphical improvements.
  • The new ultrawide support has a poorly stretched user interface that will require a user made patch⁠—basically the same solution ultrawide gamers were using before the update.
  • Fallout 4’s iteration of the Creation engine still doesn’t support frame rates over 60fps.
  • The “Weapon Debris” graphics setting still causes the game to crash on RTX cards, an issue that has been present since RTX cards were introduced.
