Fallout 4 Hacker perk image - Vault Boy standing in front of a PC giving a thumbs up

Fallout 4’s most popular mods are now ones that remove Bethesda’s disastrous ‘next gen’ update

Amid the positive reception and general hype for the series created by Amazon’s excellent Fallout series, Bethesda did the most Bethesda thing it possibly could have done. As players rushed back to the various games in the series, Bethesda released a major “next gen” update for Fallout 4, arguably the best entry point for new players, and it’s a total mess.

On PC⁠ the update makes basically no improvements to the game, but many free non-Creation Club mods have been broken, and will remain so unless individual modders come up with a fix for their work. The easiest fix is to own the game on GOG, which allows players to roll-back patches, but for Steam owners the process is a whole lot more convoluted.
