After tackling Metroid in Season 1, the second season of Game Informer‘s Video Gameography podcast moves on to one of the biggest shooter franchises in existence: Halo. This week, we examine 343 Industries’ first stab at the series with Halo 4.
Halo 4 was released on the Xbox 360 on November 6, 2012, and was a big return for Master Chief, who hadn’t been seen since 2007’s Halo 3. Development of the game wasn’t perfectly smooth as Ryan Payton, of Metal Gear Solid 4 fame, initially pushed the team to experiment with Halo’s sandbox. However, the game was still a massive hit. Join us as we talk about Halo 4’s powerful story, the new Prometheans enemy types, Halo’s obsession with the number seven, and what made the Spartan Ops multiplayer mode so disappointing.
Join hosts Ben Reeves (@BenjaminReeves) and Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7) and IGN executive editor Ryan McCaffrey (@DMC_Ryan) as we unpack the history and impact of the first Halo game from 343 Industries. And for more Halo, be sure to check out our definitive ranking of every Halo game.
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