Exclusive Hearthstone Murder at Castle Nathria card reveal: The Stonewright

Exclusive Hearthstone Murder at Castle Nathria card reveal: The Stonewright


(Image credit: Blizzard)

It’s fair to say that, throughout Hearthstone’s eight-year lifespan, the Shaman hero power has mostly sucked Magnataur balls. Sure, it was briefly strong during the midrange meta back when Thing From Below, Tuskarr Totemic and Thunder Bluff Valiant were legal, but that only goes to show how much power creep is required to make Totemic Call not terrible. Nonetheless, I have high hopes for The Stonewright, our exclusive card reveal from next month’s Murder at Castle Nathria expansion, which buffs all your totems for the rest of the game. 

The Stonewright is a 4-Mana Shaman Legendary minion, with decent 5/4 stats, and text that reads: “Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your Totems have +2 Attack.” Not a tricky card to understand, then. She obviously slots into the kind of Totem deck that has historically looked to go wide on board and then ends the game with a burst of buffed damage via Bloodlust.

The Stonewright’s Battlecry will synergise nicely with cards like Brann Bronzebeard, Brilliant Macaw and Bolner Hammerbeak.

