Dead Space remake - Isaac in the zero g centrifuge

Everything that’s new in the Dead Space remake


The Dead Space (opens in new tab) remake takes us back to the USG Ishimura for the first time in twelve years to help Isaac Clarke survive the Necromorph infestation and get off the ship with all his limbs attached. A lot has changed since the original Dead Space launched in 2008, and so the game has been completely rebuilt in the Frostbite engine with improved visuals and audio. 

It’s safe to say that this is also a narrative remake, with fleshed-out characters, dialogue, and side quests that add to the existing lore and help us understand what happened on the Ishimura before Isaac arrived. Add to that the new upgrade system, zero-G sequences and extra mechanics, and you’ve got a whole heap of new stuff to contend with. In this guide, I’ll run through the most notable new stuff that the Dead Space remake adds to the original. 
