Monster Hunter Rise had a great diversity of monsters to take on in its initial roster, and even more great hunts were had with the DLC inclusions. The upcoming major expansion called Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is introducing new mechanics, a new base of operations, new areas to explore, and most importantly, new and returning monsters to hunt.
Capcom has already revealed a significant handful of monsters that will make their Rise debut in Sunbreak, and we have them all conveniently collected below so you can know which creatures you can plan to go up against alone or with a group. We’ll keep updating the list as more monsters are revealed, so keep checking this page in the coming weeks for changes.
New Monsters
New Subspecies
Blood Orange Bishaten
Aurora Somnacanth
Magma Almudron
Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
Returning Monsters
Gore Magala
Shogun Ceanataur
Daimyo Hermitaur
DLC Monsters
Lucent Nargacuga
Are there any monsters you want to make a return in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak? Let us know in the comments!