Every game should have CoD's stupid canted aiming option

Every game should have CoD’s stupid canted aiming option


As my Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 habit worsens, I’m spending as much time tinkering with its loadout and gun tuning systems as I am actually playing matches. It reminds me of MechWarrior in that way: The real game is in the customization menus, and matches are just how you test bench your creations. It’s not just about coming up with the most effective combo of guns, attachments, and gadgets, either. A principled build has a theme, and has to be a little stupid and a little bad, and therefore cool. That’s how I discovered canted laser aiming, which rules.

Based on the number of other players I see using canted laser aiming—zero so far—it is probably not very good.

Lasers are one of Modern Warfare 2’s gun attachment categories, and they typically improve accuracy from the hip or aim down sight speed and stability, with the biggest downside being that enemies can see the laser beam. One radiant green beam called the Canted Vibro-Dot 7, however, has a special effect. When using the Canted Vibro-Dot—a great name that doesn’t sound at all like a sex toy—you can no longer aim down your gun’s sights. Instead, holding the right mouse button tilts your gun on its side and centers the green laser dot. You get the same aim-down-sights accuracy as with a regular red dot or holographic sight without the narrow field-of-view. The downside is that you have to use a tiny green dot in the distance to aim, and it’s visible to everyone.

