IEM Rio Major 2022 had literally the best start in the history of CSGO Majors. The Cloud9 vs Imperial Esports match on the 2nd day gathered more than 689K peak viewers which made it the most popular match of the day.
However, the exact match was critical for both teams to be in the race. During this match the screams of the Brazilian audience were fascinating. The noise of the crowd was also disclosing the positions to help the Brazilian players win the match.
Due to such crowd influence, ESL decided to remove the X-ray and minimap for a few minutes on the giant screen and Alexandre’s official broadcast ” Gauls” Borba. Later, the organizer confirmed that they took this decision to maintain competitive integrity.
Desde ontem, a possibilidade de “sanções” pelos gritos de posição da torcida já eram esperadas nos bastidores. ESL toma a primeira agora, tirando raio-x e minimapa dos telões. #IEM pic.twitter.com/8S41llx5CM
— Roque Marques (@roque_mn) November 2, 2022
The integrity of the tournament is the most important factor for us. Over the last few days, we’ve had incidents that we believe have put this at risk. We’ve communicated to the public the level of importance that this has and we’ve been doing this throughout the tournament.
Earlier tonight, we felt the need to remove the minimap and x-ray view for the on-site audience for several rounds to protect the integrity of the tournament. While doing this, we don’t want to spoil the experience for our audience and the public. We will continue to defend this.
Even though it’s not possible to hear the positions revealed by the crowd, the sudden shouts always hint to the players that something is going to happen.
Apart from that, IHC also complained about the crowd influence in IEM Rio Major.
However, “arT” of Furia Esports mentioned in an interview that he and his team didn’t get any callouts from the crowd.
Eu que to la jogando não ouvi nenhuma call, diminuir a experiência da torcida por causa de chanting é palhaçada demais, devem ta achando que “uh vai morrer” é call KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Barulho da torcida qnd tem alguém marotado é assim desde sempre, é parte do cs live
— Andrei Piovezan (@arTcsgo) November 2, 2022
Later, the X-ray and minimap returned to the giant screen and the broadcast.
While 00Nation and Imperial Esports are out of the race, Furia has successfully reached the Legends stage. Now, only Furia has a chance to win the hearts of the Brazilian crowd.
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