Escape Academy does an impressive job of recreating the escape room experience

Escape Academy does an impressive job of recreating the escape room experience


The best thing about escape rooms is being physically present in a completely unique space: a twist on the classic secret passage-filled mystery mansion. Escape Academy (opens in new tab), which I played at last week’s Summer Game Fest, can’t recreate that physical presence in videogame form. But it did put me in a room with rising water that would drown me if I didn’t solve its puzzles quickly enough, and that is something you could never do in a real escape room, which is exactly what I hoped a videogame spin on escape rooms would give me.

Escape Academy is a bit of a strange mix of narrative and puzzling—you’re a student at a sort of Hogwarts-for-puzzle-solvers and can chit chat with the faculty and explore the campus, but I skipped past all that in my demo to jump straight into an escape room. Along with a co-op partner, I had to work through an industrial building several floors high as water flooded the room. 
