Endless Dungeon has a release date, and you can get Dungeon of the Endless for free

Endless Dungeon has a release date, and you can get Dungeon of the Endless for free


The next game in Amplitude’s Endless series will be Endless Dungeon, a follow-up to 2014’s Dungeon of the Endless (opens in new tab), which is my equivocating way of saying it’s not actually a sequel. Where that was a roguelike tactical RPG with a bit of tower defense thrown in, the new game seems more like a twin-stick shooter with a bit of tower defense thrown in. And it’ll be available on Steam and the Epic Games Store from May 14.

The trailer makes it look like a cross between Overwatch and Hades, and I sure hope it plays like Hades. If you want to find out for yourself, you can get an early look at Endless Dungeon’s in-development build until January 30, but only if you preorder the Last Wish digital edition (opens in new tab). It also comes with bonuses including hero skins, badges, avatars, the soundtrack, artbook, and access to both a closed beta and then the full game 48 hours before its release.

