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Elden Ring multiplayer mod guide: How to play in seamless co-op


Elden Ring (opens in new tab) can be an overwhelmingly huge solo adventure. It can also be a multiplayer journey for two that pairs you up with a pal for a hundred hours. Multiplayer makes FromSoft’s notoriously difficult games a whole lot sillier and more manageable, too, as long as you aren’t precious about soloing every battle by your lonesome.

Elden Ring multiplayer is easier to set up than co-op was in Dark Souls. There are special items you have to use to initiate multiplayer—usually. Normally you can’t just open up your Steam friends list and invite a friend to play with you in Elden Ring. But thanks to a mod called Seamless Co-op, it’s possible to play through the entire game without FromSoftware’s arcane limitations. It’s a totally new way to play Elden Ring multiplayer, beginning to end.

