Dyson Sphere Program's Dark Fog are here to blow up your space factories

Dyson Sphere Program’s Dark Fog are here to blow up your space factories

Dyson Sphere Program is one of the best factory-building games out there, and it has picked up a lot of interesting features during its trek through early access development—but now the biggest game-changer of the planned features has hit. Rise of the Dark Fog, the update that adds an interplanetary menace to your game, has arrived.

The update includes not just enemies with their own way of spreading and building on planets, but the infrastructure required on your end to defend against them: turrets, planetary defense shields, automated factory-rebuilding drones, and even battlefield scavenging equipment to recycle your enemies. The Dark Fog are entirely optional, to be clear, but including them in the game gives a whole new layer of challenge to the construction of your interstellar sun-enclosing factories.
