Dying Light 2 will take 500 hours to "fully complete" says Techland

Dying Light 2 will take 500 hours to “fully complete” says Techland


Techland’s Twitter account says it’ll take “at least 500 hours” to “fully complete” Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Everyone else, just playing the story and sidequests, however, should expect to spend “70-80” hours to do it all. I won’t lie, it’s kind of a vaguely threatening statement.

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A followup note says that it’s “about 100% completion rate, most of the players who are in for story and side quests will be able to complete the game quicker.” That is, I guess, a tease for some kind of collectible fest type gameplay, or perhaps just an achievement to play 500 hours. Steal a shoe from every zombie in the city or what have you.

