A bloody, corpse-strewn arena in Dwarf Fortress.

Dwarf Fortress’ next update grants even more ways to torment your minions


Dwarf Fortress will soon provide another way to mistreat your hapless peons. The upcoming arena mode will give you an open playground to experiment with the game’s NPCs, letting you place down different creatures, select their skills and equipment, and sic them on one another for your own twisted amusement. You’ll be able to sort your combatants into teams, give them special characteristics (like “necromancer,” for example), and even mess with the weather or place down hindrances like snow and mud.

DF creator Tarn Adams said (opens in new tab) the patch should be coming “early next week” in an update posted to Steam yesterday. Arena mode has been in regular, ASCII-style Dwarf Fortress for a while now, but it’s one of those things—like Adventure Mode (opens in new tab)—that’s still on the Steam version’s to-do list. As well as letting you live out your fantasies of becoming a kind of dwarven Caesar Augustus, the colosseum will come with a few new arena maps in addition to the one from the regular version of the game.

