Archer MacLean

Dropzone creator Archer MacLean dies aged 60


Archer MacLean, the UK developer best-known for Dropzone and International Karate, has died at the age of 60. The news broke over the festive period, with many former colleagues and friends taking to social media to pay tribute to both the man and his body of work. 

MacLean was a prominent figure in UK development in the 1980s and 1990s, with his debut title Dropzone inspired by Defender but super-smooth and with enough twists to the shmup formula that it received rave reviews and was ported to multiple platforms (MacLean would later work on a sequel called Super Dropzone for the SNES, which was amazing). An even bigger hit was International Karate, a fighting game that at the time felt like a free-flowing combat system that improved on the likes of Karate Champ (the makers of which sued, ultimately unsuccessfully, with a US appeals court ruling that no one developer could monopolise an entire sport). 
