Dress Geralt in his Netflix attire thanks to a new Witcher 3 mod • Eurogamer.net

Dress Geralt in his Netflix attire thanks to a new Witcher 3 mod • Eurogamer.net


Your very own Henry Cavill.

You can now dress Geralt in his Netflix Witcher clothes thanks to a new mod.

WitcherSeb has been hard at work modding The Witcher 3 to match the Netflix show. Last year the modder released a mod to change Geralt’s face to that of actor Henry Cavill, as well as mods to add Anya Chalotra’s likeness to Yennefer and Freya Allan’s likeness to Ciri.

Now WitcherSeb has a new mod that tweaks Geralt’s clothes too.

Where the game has Geralt in more traditional armour, the Netflix show gives him an all-black attire. That’s matched by his casual shirt too, instead of the game’s loose white shirt.

WitcherSeb’s Netflix-inspired outfits mod.

CD Projekt previously announced that DLC inspired by the Netflix show would be coming to The Witcher 3, with updated cover art for the Complete Edition stating it includes “extra items inspired by the Netflix series”.

It’s unclear what those items will be and we still haven’t had a release date. However, some fans have speculated they’ll be included in the forthcoming remasters due out sometime this year.

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In the meantime, check out WitcherSeb’s Netflix-inspired mods on NexusMods.

