Dragon's Dogma is dirt cheap following the sequel announcement

Dragon’s Dogma is dirt cheap following the sequel announcement


After 10 long years of watching people ask for a sequel to Dragon’s Dogma, Capcom finally made it happen last week: Announcing Dragon’s Dogma 2 (opens in new tab), appropriately enough, at the end of a 10-year anniversary mini-doc (opens in new tab) for the original.

Dragon’s Dogma (opens in new tab) is one of those slightly culty games, the ones where the advocates for it won’t stop banging on about why it’s one of the best action-RPGs ever made. It can be an acquired taste (just ask Robin, who loves it because it’s such a slog (opens in new tab)), but if you’ve ever fantasised about clambering around a giant griffin and shanking it then it’s something of a must-try.

