
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Seeker’s Token locations and where to spend them

You could easily spend hundreds of hours looking for Seeker’s Tokens in Dragon’s Dogma 2. There are 240 of these collectable coins scattered across the game’s sprawling open world; sometimes they’re hidden in enemy-infested caves, but most often you’ll encounter them while traversing hard-to-reach places and secret nooks and crannies. 

Unless you’re a completionist, you’re unlikely to collect all of them, especially as the rewards for doing so are lacklustre. Still, as you’ll invariably encounter tokens, they’re a good way of passively getting rewards without having to go out of your way. Rather than attempt to list them all, here are ten Seeker’s Token locations in the Melve starting area that are easy to collect while exploring, getting you started, and unlocking the initial rewards.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Seeker’s Token locations
