A vicious dragon looms in Dragon

Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are hurling their pawns into the briny depths to purge Dragonsplague, a mechanic so deadly and unique I don’t want to spoil it in a headline

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a game of bizarre, mechanical complexities—it’s at times frustrating, baffling, and weird, but that also gives it a unique flavour. The game isn’t that interested in being convenient, but it is interested in leaving you asking what the hell just happened while you’re surrounded by corpses. I’m about to spoil how, but you may want to read on if you’re scared of calamity.

In short, the Dragonsplague is an illness your pawns can contract after fighting a dragon or, according to the mechanic’s tutorial tip, by coming into contact with an infected pawn. If you lived through the horrors of WoW’s Corrupted Blood plague, you might be getting flashbacks, and with very good reason—the elimination of a whole town’s worth of NPCs is a genuine option. 
