Doom 3 in Unreal Engine 5 almost makes it look like a decent game

Doom 3 in Unreal Engine 5 almost makes it look like a decent game


Doom 3: a divisive game to say the least. Some call it the best in the series, believe it or not, while others, myself included, see it as a bit of a one-trick pony that lacked the staying power and surprise factor of its predecessors. The argument is all rather moot now because, ultimately, Doom 3 put the series on hiatus for a long time before the widely appreciated 2016 reboot. But for some, the candle flame remains lit.

One of those is coder François Montagud, a 3D modeller and designer, who decided to remake a small slice of Doom 3 in Unreal Engine 5. It feels a bit wrong seeing a Doom that isn’t on idtech but nevertheless this is a seriously committed piece of work: Montagud has built his own 3D models, textures, animations, and lighting, and the whole thing is being played live in the video. He’s not going to release it, obviously, because he doesn’t want to be sued into oblivion.
