DLSS 3 is exclusive to the RTX 40-series but older GPUs still benefit

DLSS 3 is exclusive to the RTX 40-series but older GPUs still benefit


Nvidia’s DLSS 3 looks like weaving some serious magic for frame rates when Nvidia releases the GeForce RTX 4090 on October 12. I’ve already covered the performance boosts we can expect (opens in new tab) to see when it hits the updated Overdrive rendering path for Cyberpunk 2077 (opens in new tab) when that gets released. And with Nvidia promising support for DLSS 3 in an impressive 35 games already (opens in new tab), things are looking good for the tech. It looks pretty much essential for RTX Racer, pictured above.

The only thing is, DLSS 3 is exclusive to the RTX 40-series. This inevitably leads to the question: what does that mean for owners of existing cards? It’s great that Nvidia is pushing the frame rate boosting AI-powered tech forward, but surely there are far too many RTX 30-series and RTX 20-series cards out there to suddenly ignore. Surely?

