Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and City of Gangsters next free Epic Games Store titles

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and City of Gangsters next free Epic Games Store titles


Epic has revealed its next free Game Store titles: Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and City of Gangsters.

Both games are free to download from 2nd February until the 9th, when they will be replaced with something else.

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider launch trailer.

In Dishonored: Death out the Outsider, players take on the role of “badass supernatural assassin” Billie Lurk (and, yes, I nearly wrote that as Billy Burke).

In this game, Billie reunites with her mentor Daud “in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived”.

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

Meanwhile, City of Gangsters is a management tycoon game that tasks players with starting up a criminal operation and growing it into a “well-oiled money machine”. Ka-Ching!

Players will be able to build up speakeasies and illegal distilleries, while also leveraging favours, chasing down debtors and, of course, bribing police.

City of Gangsters.

These new arrivals mean we will soon be saying Adios to Adios, as well as Hell is Others. If you are yet to claim either of these currently free titles, you have until 2nd February to do so.

Head over the Epic Games Store for more.
