DICE removes fan-favourite Rush mode from Battlefield 2042's official playlist • Eurogamer.net

DICE removes fan-favourite Rush mode from Battlefield 2042’s official playlist • Eurogamer.net


As community grows dissatisfied by lack of communication.

DICE has removed the fan-favourite Rush game mode from the featured playlist in Battlefield 2042’s Portal mode.

The removal comes despite the positive reception towards the mode and calls to keep it in the game permanently.

Featured experiences are designed to be changed regularly to keep the game fresh, but Rush has been a staple of the franchise for quite some time so its removal is unusual.

Players will still be able to play Rush on custom Portal servers, but XP progression is capped in Portal to prevent XP farming lobbies that plagued the game during launch.

Fans say that the decision is another symptom of a wider issue in the community – that DICE simply isn’t listening to them.

While the game has improved significantly since its launch in March, it continues to be mired with bugs and core design problems some players believe need to be prioritised.

Instead, EA’s marketing team appears to be going full steam ahead with adding lore to the game’s wider world.

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Moreover, earlier today Andy McNamara, EA’s global director of integrated comms for shooters, in a now-deleted thread expressed his frustrations with the community backlash.


McNamara later apologised for the lack of clarity in his tweets.

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