Diablo Immortal has the lowest user score for any PC game ever on Metacritic.
On iOS it currently sports a miserable 0.5 out of 10, whilst for PC, it’s even lower: 0.2.
Metacritic – which pulls together the scores of both professional critics and everyday players – ranks Diablo Immortal PC’s release 12451 out of 12451, making it the most unpopular PC game on record (thanks, VGC). When compared with other mobile games it fares a little better, but not much: there, it’s 1903 out of 1921.
The news comes just a week after it was discovered that it costs £88,000 ($110,000) to fully upgrade a character in Diablo Immortal.
Players in Diablo Immortal have three progression pillars: XP level, equipment level, and Legendary Gems. The first two are pretty standard fare in any RPG-type game, but collating Legendary Gems can be a costly and convoluted process as the way you get them is randomised and often exceedingly rare… and right now, it seems as though F2P players cannot earn them at all.
If you’re conflicted about Diablo Immortal, you’re not alone; have a read about why Bertie thinks Diablo Immortal is the best and the worst of the series all in one.
ICYMI, Gran Turismo 7 now has the dubious honour of having the worst Metacritic user score for a game from PlayStation Studios, Sony Interactive Entertainment, SCEA, SCEE, or SCEJ. Ever.
As players came to terms with the 1.07 patch – which made it even harder for players to unlock new cars without resorting to microtransactions – that rating dropped again, falling to just 2.3 from over 4300 user reviews. Today, it’s even lower, sitting at just 2.0 from over 10503 user ratings. It’s a stark contrast to the critic score, which currently sits at 87.