A rogue in Diablo 4 standing in front of a dark background holding a bow

Diablo 4’s next season unshackles so many ridiculous builds it feels like you’re breaking it

If Diablo 4’s season 4 PTR is any indication of what’s to come when it properly releases in May, it’s over for my free time. Blizzard has taken the action RPG that only came out a year ago and turned it inside out. All the numbers and knobs are in front of you now and it’s practically begging you to find a way to break it.

Right now, barbarians are creating natural disasters by spawning hundreds of deadly cyclones and necromancer minions are finally having their moment. These builds will probably get toned down before the season drops, but they wouldn’t have even existed in the Diablo 4 we had last year, a game far too obsessed with emulating the subdued, gritty atmosphere of its decades old predecessor Diablo 2. Diablo 4 is now a playground for all sorts of fantasies, like a rogue who slips through enemies leaving live grenades behind or sorcerers who coat dungeons in frost and watch monsters shatter into pieces.
