Diablo 4 player defies death itself with sorcerer build so unkillable they went AFK for 20 minutes against the Butcher

Diablo 4 dataminer finds out why its most powerful items are impossibly rare and how little Blizzard’s recent fix did to change that

Lothrik, a dataminer who previously made accurate build planners before Diablo 4 was out, has released a sheet of data that supposedly shows the likelihood you’ll find an Über Unique in the wild. Blizzard hasn’t confirmed whether the data is correct, but the numbers line up with D4 Craft’s datamined info from last year.

Diablo 4 streamer Rob2628 summarized the findings in a video and the takeaway is that the most recent patch didn’t increase the drop rates significantly enough for anyone to reliably find them⁠—Über Uniques went from absolutely impossible to drop for the most dedicated players to very unlikely to drop for the most dedicated players.
