Adam Jensen, backed by a lot of yellow

Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s flawless gameplay has aged better than its goofy vision of a future obsessed with robot arms


 This article first appeared in PC Gamer magazine issue 387 in August 2023, as part of our Reinstall series. Every month we load up a beloved classic—and find out whether it holds up to our modern gaming sensibilities.

As a strongly self-selecting PC gamer, there have been times in my life I’ve tried to convince myself I didn’t like something because it wasn’t ‘hardcore’ or PC enough. For almost a year in high school, I pretended to not like BioWare games—to no one else in particular, just in my own mind palace—because I watched a loud man on YouTube say they were quite bad indeed.

So too, more recently, with the Deus Ex series. I played the hell out of Human Revolution, Eidos Montreal’s 2011 prequel/reboot, in high school. I must have rolled credits on it at least twice before ever making it past the halfway point in the OG classic, and yet for a long time I think I’d subconsciously talked myself into looking down my nose at it: too dumbed down, too different. Give me Deus Ex? Yeah, that means Dentons and GEP Guns, I never asked for Jensens or explosive revolvers!