Destiny 2 season 19 - Iron Banner armor sets

Destiny 2’s cool new chainmail shader will take you around 12 hours to get


Iron Countershade is one of the new shaders that was added in Destiny 2: Season of the Seraph, but this one is kind of special⁠—at least more so than new Dawning shaders. Any armor that you apply it to gains a chainmail texture, which is perfect for some of Destiny 2’s more knightly and Medieval-looking armor sets, of which there are plenty.

Along with the returning Iron Banner armor sets, this shader is pretty desirable, but alas, it’s very hard to get your hands on. If you’re new to the Season of the Seraph, you might be curious about the new craftable exotic, Revision Zero (opens in new tab), or want to know all of the Resonance Amp locations (opens in new tab) to collect some red border Ikelos weapons. Otherwise, here’s how to unlock Iron Countershade and how long it’ll take.

How to unlock Iron Countershade 
